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Fact of the Week

Fact of the Week

Earlier this month, the top aide to Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi told the press that Japan was considering building up to 3,000 nuclear weapons. Yasuo Fukada's comments would be notable in and of themselves, but other Japanese politicans have been calling for a military buildup for months. The jury is still out about whether building nuclear weapons would make Japan part of the "axis of evil" or whether it would join India, Israel, and Pakistan as part of the "axis of good nuclear proliferators."

Sources: International Herald-Tribune, 15 April 2002; New York Times, 9 June 2002.

This week's columns This week's columns

Paul Corrigan is not writing this week.

Profiles in Stupidity
Tim Francis-Wright

The latest febrile notion of Boston Globe house conservative Jeff Jacoby is that racial and ethnic profiling is the only way to stop airplane hijackers.

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