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Fact of the Week

Fact of the Week

Over the past 42 months, scores of executives at telecommunications companies made huge profits selling stock. Counting sales made by their relatives, 99 executives had profits of over $10 million. Of these sellers, 57 made over $25 million, 26 made over $50 million, and 12 made over $100 million.

These totals do not include profits on shares granted to executives by vendors or suppliers.

Source: New York Times chart, 25 August 2002, Section 3, page 10.

This week's columns

Play Gall!
Paul Corrigan

From the White House to the baseball stadium, the American people are being played for fools.

Read Play Gall!

Messed Up in Texas
Tim Francis-Wright

If someone had drafted the Texas Republican Party Platform as an attempt at satire, Americans would deem it in bad taste. Too bad it's for real.

Read Messed Up in Texas!

Bear Left Review of Books
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

The uniquely American phenomenon of fast food has deep and troubling ramifications for American society.

Go to review!

Links to the best of the Left on the web

Our favorite resources on the 11 September attacks and their aftermath

Our favorite resources on the potential invasion of Iraq

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Click here for lots and lots of information about Enron!

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"Bear left!"/"Right, Frog!" (Kermit and Fozzie, The Muppet Movie)

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