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Fact of the Week

Fact of the Week

When James Jeffords switches his affiliation from Republican to Independent next month, he will give the Democrats a 50-49 majority in the United States Senate. However, four of the 49 Republicans were first elected to national office as Democrats (Ben Nighthorse Campbell; Phil Gramm; Richard Shelby; and Strom Thurmond).

Sources: Individual Senators' pages at www.senate.gov.

Links to the best of the Left on the web

Our Picks for Links of the Week: 27 May 2001

  1. Fuming: The honeymoon between the Bush administration and the press may have ended (Ryan Lizza, New Republic Online).
  2. Leaked Spy Report Names UK: The privacy of European citizens is in peril, thanks to British and American spying (Stuart Millar, Richard Norton-Taylor, and Ian Black, The Guardian). Working document (European Parliament, 29 May 2001). NEW: Draft of report (European Parliament, June 2001)
  3. The Military's Toxic Timebombs: The Pentagon is America's largest polluter, but the Bush administration will not clean up the mess (Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn, eatthestate.org).
  4. How One man Put Bush on the Ropes: The defection of Senator Jeffords has the President's conservative agenda. Edward Helmore, London Observer).
  5. Bush's Faustian Deal With the Taliban: The war on drugs has become our own obsession and easily trumps all other concerns (Robert Scheer, The Nation).
  6. Padlock the Revolving Door!: To really get the influence of money out of politics, we need to keep ex-politicians out of corporate boardrooms. (Ted Rall, Mother Jones Online).
  7. Seeds of Death: Hindu farmers in India are fighting genetically modifiedcotton seeds, which go against their religious beliefs (Srinand Jha, TomPaine.com).
  8. Dinero Sucio, Cimiento del Imperio y el Crecimiento de Estados Unidos: American banks are vital for money launderers around the globe (James Petras, La Jornada, en español. English version).

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Bear Left! Is a production of Paul Corrigan and Tim Francis-Wright, who produce this as a public service.